4 % to get 3 Degrees


Just before I began my workout, I stood in front of the dry board staring at list of exercises to be completed over the next hour.  Most of us who attend this mid-week workout often refer to it as “Hurricane Wednesday”.  I know it as “this is going to be a long hour” and “I am going to feel this tomorrow”.  Nonetheless, as I stood there, I noticed a sentence at the top of the board written in cursive with a red dry erase marker.  It said “The next hour is only 4% of your day”.  As I have reflected on this, I am reminded of how many times people in leadership positions attempt to launch big and bold causes, ideas and changes in a company.  As the unfolding occurs, we find so many times that we destroyed more than we helped.  Employees and peers are murmuring……… “Here we go again”.

 There is no question that there are appropriate times for wide and sweeping change, program implementations and the like.  My commentary is directed at what can become the endless new idea regime in many companies who just read the latest best seller and have mentally planned a military beach landing as they plan to vanquish (fill in the blank at your company). Rather, I have found that lasting value and improvement with the winning of hearts and minds for change, comes when we commit to a specific daily investment of our time, leading to a small change in direction based on our actions.  Investing 4% of your day (1 hour) modernizing your company brand, sales training and customer retention as examples will create 3 Degrees of change and move your company to reach your vision.  When you think about 3 Degrees, it does not sound like much but in a short period of time and distance you can change your success trajectory.  In my opinion, it’s the leaders who help others make a 3 Degree change that leads to improving lives, work performance, return on investment, increased sales, better customer relationships, higher employee morale, happier families and the list goes on and on.  When you look at the picture above, you can see how nature is the master of incremental change in the transition example from fall to winter.  

 At Meridian Performance Group, our focus on building long term relationships is well above 4% and we help our clients move more than 3 Degrees.  However, if 4% of our day to get 3 Degrees of change, is just what it took to help our clients achieve greater success, we love that too!  We hope that you give us a call to set up an appointment for a free consultation.  Take 4% of your day and let us find out together if we can drive 3 Degrees or more change to help you reach your business objectives faster.  Call today for a free consultation (731) 300-1304

 Committed to your success!

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