Words For Life.

IPhone Pics xmas 12 & 2013 450

Can you remember a specific event in your life where, unexpectedly, someone said something positive to you that will forever be etched into your mind?  I want to share such an event that happened to me on a recent business trip.

As I pulled up to a streetlight, I glanced at the clock and realized I was going to be about 20 minutes early to my meeting.  As I turned to my left, I could see the building where my meeting was to take place.  It was such a perfect weather day and the building stood out against the rich, blue sky. I decided to text my wife a picture of where I was meeting.

Below is her response:

Youve been in bigger

Nine words of encouragement that were simple, succinct and spoken from the heart of my champion. Words forever etched into my mind.

And so, I wonder. If I could meet your employees, team members, family or friends, would any of them tell me they feel like you’re their champion?  Or, are you like some of the people I meet as a consultant who tell me they cannot wait for you to go away and not come back because you seem to live for speaking of things that tear people down?

Experience has shown me that reaching your goals is best achieved by consistently seeking opportunities to offer encouraging words and  honest feedback to your team. Encouragement lasts a lifetime, but fear lasts only as long as we give it permission.  Words of encouragement, spoken in truth, ultimately make you a champion and convey the powerful message: “you got this”.  As I work with businesses in distress, I find that much of what I do is centered on promoting the “you got this” mentality.  If you think about it, to be an effective turnaround professional you have to move hearts and minds from “it’s over” to “you got this”.  Anything short of achieving that and, well, it probably is over.

So, I encourage you! The next person you talk to, be a champion and speak words of encouragement into their work and life. The very words you speak may last a lifetime.